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Рецепт изучения веб-дизайна / A Recipe for Learning Web Design

06.09.07 10:09 | Раздел: Дизайн

автор: Кейт Робинсон (D. Keith Robinson) перевод: Максим Россомахин

Веб-дизайн и смежные с ним дисциплины всё ещё относительно молоды и все еще находятся на стадии развития. Мне часто задают один и тот же вопрос: "Как стать веб-дизайнером?". Ответ не прост. Существует множество различных способов стать профессиональным веб-дизайнером, и каждый столь же индивидуален, сколь непохожи люди, составляющие сообщество веб-дизайна.

Сегодня многие успешные сетевые профессионалы - самоучки; многие из них пришли в Веб из других сфер дизайна. Их стаж в веб-дизайне, вероятно, самый большой. Лишь недавно в веб-дизайн стали приходить люди прямо по окончание специальных образовательных курсов. В большинстве случаев одного этого образования недостаточно для успеха.

Не поймите меня превратно, обучающие курсы и специальное образование могут послужить неплохим фундаментом. И, будучи соединенными с другими методами обучения, о которых мы поговорим ниже, они вполне могут оказать новичку реальную помощь в достижении профессионального успеха. Но часто проблема состоит в том, что формальные курсы недостаточно объемлющи, либо учат устаревшим навыкам, не давая студентам багаж знаний, необходимый им для работы в реальном мире. Веб и то, что с ним связано, меняются слишком быстро - одним формальным обучением за прогрессом не угнаться.

Так с чего же начать? Как и для приготовления отличного кушанья, начнём с основных ингредиентов и рецепта. Потом добавим толику секретного соуса и заключительные штрихи.

Основные ингредиенты Итак, что же надо предпринять, чтобы стать успешным веб-дизайнером? Для начала вам надо захотеть учиться, и не переставать учиться в течение всей вашей карьеры. В Вебе перемены наступают часто и очень быстро; чтобы не плестись в хвосте, вам необходимо постоянно следить за этими изменениями, приспосабливая к ним ваши знания, навыки и умения. Например, какая-то технология может взять и умереть сразу после того, как вы наконец-то овладели ею в совершенстве. Всегда имейте это в виду и всегда будьте начеку.

Вы должны уметь быть гибким и скорым на руку. Крайне важны способность импровизировать и умение решать возникшие проблемы. Вам необходимо овладеть искусством общения и развить в себе умение работать с другими людьми в команде. Веб - это все-таки в большей степени работа с людьми, чем с технологиями независимо от того, что там написано в ваших должностных обязанностях.

Рецепт успеха Если вы подумываете о поступлении на курсы веб-дизайна, важно выбрать такие, которые смогут дать вам все необходимое для успешной работы в реальной рабочей среде.

Вам понадобится обширная программа обучения, акцентированная на основы и умения работать с программами вообще, а не с каким-то конкретными программами. Опасайтесь курсов, обещающих вас обучить только Flash-у или Dreamweaver-у. Эти навыки конечно тоже могут оказаться полезными, но ещё полезнее овладеть основами разметки и навыками работы с людьми. А конкретную программу можно изучить и позднее. Мне приходилось сталкиваться со многими курсами обучения, и на мой взгляд большинство из них страдали этим недостатком.

Очень важно разбираться в методах и технологиях веб-дизайна, но убедитесь, что вам преподают их современные варианты. Недавно я работал с молодым веб-дизайнером, окончившим уважаемую четырёхгодичную программу обучения. Его навыки работы с HTML устарели настолько, что оказались практически бесполезными. Можно свалить всю вину на программу, и это будет отчасти справедливо, но и студент также должен нести ответственность за такие "проколы".

Дело тут не только в том, чтобы вы постоянно держали нос по ветру. Что бы ни изучалось, студенты также несут ответственность за то, что выучено. Проверяйте то, что вы выучили, вливайтесь в процесс и постоянно задавайте вопросы. Важно отметить, что веб-дизайн - новое и постоянно меняющееся поле деятельности; даже за короткое время вашего обучения она может измениться до неузнаваемости. Изучение веб-дизайна - нечто большее, чем простое выполнение курсовых работ. И вот тут-то и приходит черёд секретного соуса.

Секретный соус Ничто так не помогает становлению профессионала в Вебе, как практика и участие в работе. Вам придётся "на полную катушку" эксплуатировать Веб, чтобы быть в курсе всего происходящего. Читайте блоги, журналы вроде этого (Digital Web Magazine), присоединяйтесь к сообществам. Задавайте вопросы, оставляйте комментарии в дискуссиях - прямиком погрузитесь в среду, в которой будете в дальнейшем работать.

Вы обнаружите, что большинство сетевых сообществ настроено дружелюбно к тем, кто проявляет интерес к обучению. Найдите себе наставника; осмотритесь вокруг, поищите людей, плывущих с вами в одной лодке и озадаченных теми же самыми вопросами. Вы можете помогать друг другу, обмениваться знаниями, увеличивая тем самых знания каждого из вас.

Создайте сайт. Раз уж учитесь веб-дизайну, постарайтесь практиковаться в нем каждый день. Как я уже писал, у вас должен быть свой сайт, где бы вы могли экспериментировать и оттачивать свои умения. Не волнуйтесь о том, плохо он выглядит или хорошо: чем больше будете узнавать, тем лучше будет сайт. Появилась возможность подработать в веб-компании? Воспользуйтесь ею. Если же такой возможности нет, работайте над некоммерческими проектами, или делайте сайты для друзей или членов семьи. Эти наработки существенны для вашего будущего успеха.

Заключительные штрихи Следует отметить, что сколько бы вы ни учились, непознанного всегда больше. Не думаю, что в Сети найдётся хоть один профессионал, изучивший Веб на все 100%, сколько бы долго он ни работал веб-дизайнером. Всё меняется очень быстро, и столько еще всего нужно знать и уметь, что жизни не хватит.

Если вы ответственно подойдете к своему обучению и не перестанете учиться на протяжении всей своей жизни, у вас все получится. Независимо от того, какой путь вы выбрали.


National Football League:
Get ready to shine as a world famous NFL player - this opportunity will never come around again. Get now into awesome national football ecstasy and get this game on google play this moment. Do maddening kick off tricks not different from soccer ball ace shots. You'll have to reach out and attempt to beat all of the many challenges. Visuals were provided to amaze using new mobile technologies. The realism are truly from the '15 year. The realism of this football dream league is enough to madden. You can play as a quarterback or a kick off player. The championship of the champions rugby league is at the touch of the finger, so don't stop and lunge for a kick. Become one of the patriots or eagles in the 15 super bowl games. The kick offs you'll make in the championship football league shall get you glory between the challengers of the super bowl matches. Rush at the stadium and take your place among the best rewinds of the moments of the year '15. Score a goal with your dream team, e.g. seahawks or bears. Rugby will witness the best highlights of the 2015 right in this android game. In between the world top eleven kickers you'll be the best and so you'll get your glory in the rewinds. Madden the opponents through fantasy kicking and kick offs in this new rugby sim. In the eagles of NFL super bowl championships you'll stand out as the best flick kick cowboy.

billiards master:
Simply swipe the display of your iphone and begin to labor for the great stakes of many players tests in this carom billiards game. Anyway it is just the cue, the pockets, the 10 pool balls and yourself. Your pool competence in pool will be tried in these plentiful tests brought to you by this cool game studio. Be the pool master either like a pro or in the arcade gamemode given here. Your campaign through different brands of pool will be cool and dangerous. As you'll strive to push the 10 ball into the one hole you will have to use the freedom of view angle, as you can spin your screen in any course you wish. Drawn graphics give authority to this game over its contestants. The arduous amounts of play modes could bring you to your edge. This pool game gives you the ultimate table challenge in numerous billiards halls around the world. Just you and the straight rails when you con the kismeth with your skills. Fortunately it has a practice mode so you will work on your artistry as long as you will feel the need to start being the top pool player in the known universe. Have a game of 8 ball, snooker or carrom, whatever you want. Anyway if you arrive from the Victorian England or France, there will be some national variety of this good cue sport. Crokinole or straight rail, this sport has everything. As 9 ball pool this is a cool mobile app. The greatest snooker on google play entertaiment ever! Simulation of one of the most popular games at any point. Custom making of the playstyle is now in gaming world so sophisticated that other 10 ball billiards can go and play hide and seek with their moms.

best racing since sliced bread:
I've just stumbled upon a new asphalt app for tablets, its name is Real Race: Asphalt Road Racing and it seems to be really like a racing sim with arcade mechanics. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give it a strong 8. List of features is almost mind-boggling, so is its replayability. Beating the leaderboards really caughts you and you are right away pulled in. It trully reminds me of Asphalt Overdrive. Overall it is a awesome, ambitious free game. There are no chases with law enforcement, but maybe it's good though as multiplayer asphalt feature gives ample opportunity to prove your unparalleled underground drag racing prowess. It has really advanced Artificial Inteligence and I've played already 6 times successively or so and it is still appealing and interesting. Racing through desert dunes and steppes, avenues and lanes, it is like Need for Speed Carbon or Most Wanted, and actually the newest part, NFS: Rivals. On-screen high speed gives a feel of actually being there and racing with top drivers as seen in TV. Stress rushes are not far and few. It's kinda kewl to drive and defeat other players on 6 or so maps. App feels like race with GT cars like race or dodge viper.

Try and jump to a world of street drag racing in Tokyo, Japan. Fight against the time or with computer opponents racing rides that are sci-fi. Get your car door and get drawn into one of the fastest racing apps of this year! Smartphone and google play gaming was never before so advanced and fresh looking. Grand prix at night, have your nitro pumping. Smell the nitro on beautiful asphalt 8 tracks. You don't have to differentiate between casual and simulator - app has it all though this is for google play, android. When you become the fastest underground casual racer in Tokyo, the tracks shall not stop to astonish you. Real racing with 3 great driving modes. As you drive in the night similar to ryan gosling. The driving arcade feel will be similar to drinking powerful formula 1 gasoline. In night and underground. These stunts are doable simply by grabbing powerups that will give you more nitro, cash and clock. Modification of the cars is made by upgrading the acceleration, durability and top speed. This shall allow you to make better and faster tricks on the racing tracks set in a csr race view of japan formula 1 in japan.

shadowgun deadzone:
This type of first person shooter games is a new type of wasting some free time in your android phone. That superb and last fps shall carry you away into a plane of fun. Mass Effect is actually created on basis on that mobile entertainment. As you shoot away with some of cybernetic enemies. Mass effect in it's best. Do not look back and go ahead doing the shooting. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is what really gives fun to the player. In the grim dark nightmare of far future, there is nothing but war with androids. Frontline commando fights on distant battlefield in space. The game is played using easy tap control for your entertainment. That type of first person shooter game are the doom of your pastime. Battlefield is a game for android and it's not impossible to get it on android market. That first person shooter game will set you content. Go ahead and place yourself in that mass effect like experience.

Do maddening kick off shots similar to soccer ball ace kicks. Rugby will see the best moments of the year right in this android app. Among the eagles of NFL super bowl championships you'll become the greatest flick kick patriot. You'll reach out and attempt to beat all of the numerous championships. Jump into the game and become a national american football player - this occasion will not repeat. The realism of this nfl fantasy is enough to madden. Play as a rushing champion or a kicker player. Graphics are made to impress with futuristic smartphone drivers. Game physics comes obviously from the 2015 year. Be like one of the packers or eagles in the 2015 super bowl matches. The kick offs you'll do in the national football games shall give you glory between the champions of the super bowl playoffs. The championship of the national football challenge is at the touch of the finger, so don't hesitate and go for a goal. Get now to awesome national football emotions and get it from mobile phones now. In between the world top eleven kickers you'll be the best and so you'll get your glory in the rewinds. Madden your rivals through dream kicking and field goals in this fresh rugby sim. Run at the stadium and get your place among the greatest of the moments of the year '15. Score a goal with your dream team, e.g. packers or eagles.

Just tap the screen of your android phone and commence to labor for the great stakes of many players tests in this crokinole pool game. Anyway it is simply the cue, the pockets, the 8 pool balls and yourself. Thine pool artistry in billiards will be tested in copious tests brought to you by top mobile games company. Be the billiards ace either like a champion or in the casual game type offered here. Your campaign through disparate types of billiards will be great and deadly. As you'll have to knock the 10 ball into the one hole you'll have to use the opportunity of view angle, as you can turn your screen in every direction you prefer. 2D graphics give advantage to this game over its competition. The arduous amount of play types will bring you to your edge. This pool sport presents you the decisive table challenge in numerous snooker lobbies around the earth. Only you and the straight rails as you baffle the destiny with your skills. Luckily it has a practice gamemode so you should work on your skills as long as you need to start being the pro cue gamer in the known galaxy. Play english billiards, snooker or carrom, whatever you want. No matter if you come from the Victorian England or Finland, there will be certain national type of this nice cue sport. Snooker or carrom, this thing has everything. As 9 ball billiards this is a cool mobile app. The best snooker on android market game up to this time! Simulacra of one of the most popular skillgames at all times. Customization of the gameplay is for the first time in playing world so seasoned that other 10 pro pools can go and play carrom with their moms.

android billiards:
Simply hit the display of your android tablet and begin to fight for the awesome stakes of multiplayer mode in this carom pool mobile app. Anyhow it is simply the stick, the holes, the 9 billiards balls and you. Your pool skills in pool shall be tested in copious tests brought to you by this top mobile games studio. Become the pool master either like a champion or in the arcade game type presented here. Your adventure through different categories of snooker will be cool and dangerous. As you'll have to drop the 9 ball into the one hole you'll have to use the opportunity of view angle, as you can spin your screen in any course you wish. 2D graphics give authority to this aplication over its competitors. The sheer amount of game types could bring you to your edge. This pool game offers you the decisive table challenge in various billiards halls all over the world. Just you and the straight rails when you trick the destiny with your finesse. Luckily it has a practice gamemode so you can work on your dexterity as long as you will feel the need to be the top snooker gamer in the known galaxy. Play 8 ball, snooker or crokinole, whatsoever you want. Whether you come from the Victorian England or Russia, there will be some national variation of this nice cue game. Crokinole or straight rail, this thing has everything. As 10 ball pool this is a cool mobile app. The best snooker on google play entertaiment ever! Mobile version of one greatest games of skill ever. Personalization of the table is now in gaming world so smooth that different 10 ball billiards can go and play carrom with their mums.

My brain was blown when I've first seen this sweet piece of game. Newest android game from a top of the line game studio, displaying such awesome and horrible baddies that I'm still shocked and awe strucked. Witnessing countless zombie bugs dead, trigger constantly beating as I was launching my shadowgun and tossing grenades everywhere. Silent protagonist reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several additional gameplay features. Our armor gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us continue even further into this science fiction horror. Modern warfare gets blended with gloomy and pessimistic sci-fi, where deep space exploration gave us only unspeakable terror of having Earth occupied by dead zombie bugs. Billions of them, in fact. All hungry for our lives and our homes! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow. Become a frontline commando with your guns flaming, or snipe the undead beasts from huge areas. All using only your touch display. Only the best feats of modern warfare mixed with an fast trigger finger will let you to win over the monstrous zombies. Realistic graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your terror when travelling through future human locations and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, shooting millions like an android.

Pick from the best GT cars, sit behind the gears and kick the pedal to the metal. Drift mania in rally racing with next generation mechanics will satisfy any person. Pick your ride from many famous varieties like bmw, ford or audi. Melt the asphalt on 8 various courses as you compete against the clock. Appease your need for speed by racing against other players in multiplayer mode. The gameplay is designed to put you in the heat of action as you race through the dust rising from the asphalt overdrive. As 8 playtroughs passed I still don't feel tired by this game. This overdrive mobile app lets you to compete with top racers like a professional in NASCAR or Formula 1. Jump straight deep into hardcore driving game in this exceptional new android production. Life-like driving sim allows you the convenience to check your racing prowess through numerous challenges in awesome courses all around the world. Put your expertise to trial and top the leaderboards as you push your gt car to the brink of your need for speed. Even Need for Speed World was repetitive after some time which is not the case in this fast and furious spiritual offspring. Need for Racing: New Speed Car even provides you with the opportunity to design your car by modding it in any way you choose. Underground drag championship mixed with csr racing brings the terminal gameplay feel.

Kick and be a world famous american football kicker - this occasion shall never repeat. Jump right to awesome super bowl emotions and get this game on mobile phones this moment. Perform maddening football shots not different from ball ace kicks. You'll get into the game and try to beat all of the many championships. Visuals are made to amaze using futuristic mobile technologies. Game realism are obviously from the 2015 year. The feel of this rugby fantasy is enough to madden. You can play as a quarterback or a kicker player. The championship of the champions football league is at the flick of your finger, so don't hesitate and go for a field goal. Become a member of the packers or eagles in the 15 super bowl matches. The shots you'll make in the world cup football games will get you glory among the challengers of the super bowl playoffs. Rush through the stadium and get your place among the best rewinds of the moments of the year '15. Score a goal for your dream team, e.g. patriots or eagles. American football will witness some of the best moments of the 2015 in this mobile game. Among the national champions managers you'll be the most popular and so you'll get your glory in the football highlights. Madden your rivals through fantasy kicking and field goals in this new football game. Among the eagles of national football league super bowl cup you'll become the greatest flick kick cowboy.

game so pool that it hurts:
Just swipe the display of your iphone and commence to work for the awesome stakes of multiplayer mode in this crokinole billiards production. Anyway it is simply the cue, the pockets, the 8 snooker balls and yourself. Thine pool skills in pool will be tried in infinite contests given to you by this cool game development company. Be the billiards master either like a champion or in the casual gamemode presented here. Your campaign through contrasting brands of billiards shall be great and deadly. As you'll have to drop the 8 ball into the one hole you'll have to use the opportunity of view angle, as you can spin your screen in every target you want. Drawn looks give authority to this aplication over its contestants. The arduous amounts of game styles will bring you to your edge. This cue game presents you the decisive table test in various billiards lobbies all over the world. Only you and the straight rails when you baffle the destiny with your skills. Luckily it has a practice gamemode so you will work on your dexterity for how long you will feel the need to start being the greatest snooker player in the known universe. Have a game of english billiards, snooker or crokinole, whatever you want. No matter if you arrive from the China or Russia, there will be some national variation of this awesome cue game. Billiards or straight rail, this game has it all. As 9 ball billiards this is a awesome android app. The best pool on google play game up to this time! Simulation of one best games invariably. Customization of the playstyle is for the first time in playing industry so refined that other 9 pro billiards can run and try carrom with their grandmas.

Go ahead and jump to an universe of street drifts in Tokyo, Japan. Fight against the time or with other players riding rides that are out of this world. Move your driving wheel and get drawn into first of the greatest cars apps of this year! Smartphone and google play entertainment was never so advanced and fresh looking. Grand prix through the city, get the adrenaline in the system. Feel the adrenaline on dangerous asphalt 8 tracks. You don't need to differentiate between arcade and sim - that game has everything even though this is for app market, android. When you become the quickest underground casual racer in the world, the game shall not stop to entertain you. Fast driving with three great driving game modes. As you race in the night similar to ryan gosling. The car sim play will be like sniffing high-octane rocket gasoline. At night and illegal. These stunts are doable just with collecting powerups that will give you additional nitro, cash and time. Tuning of the cars is made by modifying the acceleration, durability and top speed. This shall allow you to perform better and faster tricks on the asphalt tracks going on in a csr race setting of japanese formula 1 in japan.

google play shadowgun:
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is the thing that really gives fun to the player. Battlefield is an app for android and it is possible to get it on android market. That type of fps games are the doom of your pastime. Do not think anymore and go ahead doing the killing. Try and immerse yourself in that mass effect esque game. This new and last fps will blast you away into a plane of pain. That shooting game will set you content. Mass Effect was actually based on this mobile game. As you fight away some of cyber enemies. That kind first person shooter games is a fresh type of wasting some free time on your smartphone. In the grim dark nightmare of far future, there is nothing but war with robots. Frontline commando attacks in far battlefield in mass effect. The game is played with simple swipe control for your convenience. Call of Duty in it's best.

Formula One:
Win as many cars as you could imagine and challenge yourself in this endless traffic racer fun. Grab this speed illegal race game from android market for your android device. Games like this give you with a unique opportunity to be a champion of roads. Best racing games of this are published for kids and adults alike. Asphalt overdrive will crumble behind your hot wheels when you drive on countless American roads. Apps in the style of temple run and similar endless racers are made for arcade android players. Fastest endless racing game of 2014. Traffic: Illegal Road Racing 5 is the fastest road racing games since endless racer. Rally racing was never so fast and fun. Tbull for the win. Right from the legendary Tbull that new illegal race game is the fastest endless racer mobile game of the universe.

My brain was blown when I've first seen this awesome piece of action. Freshest tablet game from a one of the best game studios, featuring such awesome and wondrous enemies that I'm still shocked and appaled. Seeing untold amounts of zombie bugs dead, trigger invariably beating as I was shooting my shadowgun and throwing explosives around. Silent protagonist reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many more gameplay features. Our armor gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us proceed even deeper into this sci-fi nightmare. Modern warfare gets mixed with murky and depressed sci-fi, where cosmos exploration gave us only unspeakable dismay of having Terra occupied by dead zombie invaders. Millions of them, actually. All hungry for our blood and our homes! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow. Become a frontline commando with your pistol blazing, or snipe the undead monsters from large distances. All using only your tablet display. Only the best stunts of modern warfare mingled with an quick trigger finger will allow you to win over the monstrous zombies. Cool graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your fear when travelling through future human locations and shooting your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, killing numerous like an android. Trigger finger licking good!

best racing since sliced bread:
I have recently come across a new driving app for android, its name is Real Race: Asphalt Road Racing and it looks almost like a simulator with arcade gameplay. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give it a strong 8. List of features is almost mind-boggling, so is its replayability. Besting the leaderboards trully entangles you and you're instantly drawn in. It really reminded me of Asphalt Overdrive. Overall it's a great, challenging free game. There are no pursuits with law enforcement, but maybe it is for the best as multiplayer asphalt gameplay gives ample opportunity to show your unparalleled underground drag racing skills. It boasts really state-of-the-art Artificial Inteligence and I've played already 8 times in a row or so and it's still amusing and enticing. Racing around dunes and steppes, asphalt and roads, it is like Need for Speed Carbon or Most Wanted, and actually the newest edition, NFS: Rivals. On-screen immense velocity gives a feel of literally being there and hurrying with top drivers as seen in TV. Adrenaline rushes are numerous. It is kinda cool to race and defeat other players on six or so maps. Game feels similar to race with GT cars like race or dodge viper.

Traffic racing:
Get as many auto as you can think of and challenge yourself in this infinite traffic racing entertainment. Get this fun illegal racer game from android market for your android phone. Games like endless racer give you a unique opportunity to become a champion of leaderboards. Top racing mobile games like this are done for kids and adults alike. Asphalt 7 shall melt behind your hot wheels as you drive through countless American roads. Apps in the style of temple run and similar infinite racing games are made for arcade android players. Top endless racing game of the 2014. Traffic: Illegal Road Racing 5 could be the fastest street racing fun ever since traffic racer. Traffic racing has never been that quick and fun. Thunderbull for the win. Right from the legendary Thunderbull that new underground racing game is the best endless racer game of this world.

mobile dead trigger:
Become the humans' first hope as you'll fight off uncounted waves of alien enemies. As your call of duty will call it is a must for you to go on an epic campaign while murdering evil zombie aliens. The dead space has given birth to an planetary invasion and you're the first modern warfare frontline commando that can destroy it. Don't be afraid and strap a big shadowgun. Fighting and winning can be nasty though you will hold your hand on your dead trigger. As you will go on with the free fun you shall sprint in ruined human cities nearing their doom. The modern warfare battlefield will give you your call of duty. Stand your ground and use two guns at the same time. Post apocalyptic battlefield will need your domination on the leaderboards. Live, die repeat. Kill your enemies and best the hardly transgressing chances as you'll get on with your call of duty. This fps (first person shooter) play will give you with plenty of free game on google play. Be the best terminator and alien deer hunter. The invading aliens from space shall require the help of a skilled frontline commando. First person shooters were never as great as this free and fun mobile android game. Heed your call of duty and shoot the aliens.

My brain was blown when I've saw for the first time this awesome piece of action. Newest android game from a top of the line game studio, displaying such magnificent and majestic enemies that I'm still stunned and awe strucked. Seeing myriads of zombie bugs dead, trigger invariably twitching as I was firing my shadowgun and throwing grenades around. Silent protagonist reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many more gameplay features. Our bulletproof vest gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us advance even deeper into this science fiction nightmare. Modern warfare gets mixed with murky and depressed sci-fi, where deep space exploration gave us only unspeakable horror of having Earth infested by dead zombie bugs. Billions of them, in fact. All hungry for our lives and our women! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow. Become a frontline commando with your guns blazing, or snipe the undead devils from huge distances. All using only your mobile display. Only the best stunts of modern warfare mixed with an fast trigger finger will allow you to win over the monstrous monsters. Great graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your fear when traversing future human locations and shooting your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, murdering numerous like an android. Trigger finger licking good!

Jump right into epic racing adrenaline and choose your finest car. When you race on offroad tracks you shall need to use nitrous boost that will provide you best racing acceleration. Embrace the flow of air in your hair as you push the gas to the floor - this app shall give you some realistic racing in the nitro competition. Download this best android game for free. Don't wait any second longer - a few hours that chance could be past. Be ready to get just behind the controls and drive for the prize. Watch it and don't believe your sight - this game is similar to Drive. Forget about any other driving app you have played, this is the real deal. The Need For Speed will be fulfilled. Just any road worthy car shall give you with ways to illegal riding and succeeding.

Drift mania in rally racing with next-gen mechanics will satisfy any person. Dive head on deep into extreme driving app in this sweet new mobile production. Choose from the most famous GT cars, sit behind the wheel and kick the pedal to the metal. Realistic driving simulation gives you the convenience to prove your driving skills through diverse challenges in awesome avenues all around the globe. Pick your ride from many known varieties such as bmw, ford or audi. Burn the asphalt on 8 various courses as you compete against the clock. Satisfy your need for speed by racing against other players in multiplayer mode. This overdrive mobile app lets you to compete with top racers like a pro in NASCAR or Le Mans. Put your skills to test and beat the leaderboards while pushing your gt car to the boundaries of your need for speed. Even Need for Speed World was repetitive after a little time which is not the case in this fast and furious spiritual offspring. Need for Racing: New Speed Car even gives you the opportunity to customize your car by modding it in any way you choose. Underground drag championship mixed with csr racing brings the ultimate gameplay experience. The gameplay model is made to hurl you in the heat of action as you drive through the dust rising from the asphalt overdrive. As 8 playtroughs passed I still don't feel bored by this game.

Coming from the legendary Thunderbull this crisp illegal race fun game is the best endless racer game in the world. Top endless racer games like this type are done for kids and adults alike. Asphalt 7 will melt under your fast wheels when you drive on many American streets. Apps like temple run and similar endless racing games are made for casual android gamers. Fastest racing game of 2014. Get this quick illegal race mobile game at android market for the android phone. Win as many auto as you could imagine and challenge yourself in multiplayer endless temple run fun. Apps like this give you a unique opportunity to become a master of roads. Traffic: Illegal Road Racing 5 could be the best road racing games since traffic racer. Traffic racing has never been so fast and fun. Thunderbull FTW.

Get into epic racing adrenaline and choose your finest car. As you race on offroad tracks you shall have to use nitrous system that will provide you true racing velocity. Embrace the flow of wind in the hair as you push the pedal to the metal - this application shall give you some real racing in the nitro rivals. Get this best mobile app now. Don't wait any second longer - in hours this chance will be past. Be ready to get just behind the steering wheel and drive for the win. See it and be ready to not believe your sight - app is similar to Drive. Forget about any other driving app you have experienced, here is the top thing. The Need For Speed shall be satiated. Simply every road worthy car will provide you with ways to illegal driving and winning.

better than call of duty ghosts:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is what truly works. Battlefield is an app for android and it's possible to get it on android market. That type of fps games are the doom of player's pastime. Do not look back and go ahead with the killing. Try and immerse yourself in this mass effect like game. That new and fresh first person shooter shall blast you away in a world of hurt. That first person shooter app will set you happy. Mass Effect was really created on basis on this smartphone entertainment. As you shoot through some of cyber antagonists. This type of fps games is a fresh type of wasting a little free passtime in your android phone. In the grim dark nightmare of far future, there is nothing but war with robots. Frontline commando fights in distant battlefield in space. The game is done with simple swipe controls for your convenience. Mass effect in it's finest.

Formula One:
Race as many cars as you could think of and race in this endless temple run fun. Download this fun underground racing mobile game from google play for your android phone. Games like this give you a lifetime opportunity to be a champion of highways. Best endless racer mobile games of this are done for teenagers and adults alike. Asphalt overdrive shall melt behind your fast wheels when you race through many American streets. Games in the style of temple run and other endless racing games are made for everyday android players. Top endless runner play of the 2014. Traffic: Illegal Road Racing 5 could be the fastest road race games since zombie highway. Rally racing was never that quick and entertaining. Thunderbull FTW. Coming from legendary Thunderbull that fresh underground racing game is the fastest endless racing game in this universe.

pool snooker:
Just hit the screen of your android tablet and commence to labor for the huge stakes of multiplayer tests in this carom billiards production. Anyhow it is only the stick, the holes, the 8 billiards balls and you. Your pool skills in billiards will be tested in those plentiful tests given to you by cool development studio. Become the billiards ace either like a expert or in the casual style given here. Your campaign through contrasting brands of billiards will be great and challenging. As you will strive to push the 10 ball into the one pocket you'll have to use the flexibility of viewpoint, as you can turn your display in any course you prefer. 2D artworks give advantage to this app over its competition. The arduous supply of play modes will bring you to your knees. This pool game offers you the decisive table challenge in many billiards halls around the earth. Simply you and the straight rails as you trick the destiny with your artistry. Fortunately it has a training mode so you will work on your skills as long as you will feel the need to be the pro pool gamer in the known universe. Have a game of english billiards, snooker or carrom, anything you want. No matter if you come from the UK or Russia, there are going to be some national type of this great cue sport. Billiards or pool, this sport has it all. As 9 ball billiards this is a great mobile app. The best pool on android market entertaiment ever! Image of one most popular games at all times. Personalization of the playstyle is now in playing history so refined that other 10 ball billiards can go and try carrom with their mums.

modern combat:
My brain was astonished when I've saw for the first time this awesome piece of action. Freshest mobile game from a one of the best game studios, featuring such intimidating and wondrous baddies that I'm still stunned and awe strucked. Seeing myriads of zombie bugs dead, trigger steadily beating as I was releasing a barrage of bullets from my shadowgun and throwing explosives everywhere. Quiet and strong protagonist reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several more gameplay features. Our defenses gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us continue even deeper into this sci-fi horror. Modern warfare gets mixed with dark and depressed sci-fi, where deep space exploration gave us only unspeakable terror of having Terra invaded by dead zombie invaders. Humongous numbers of them, in fact. All hungry for our lives and our women! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow. Become a frontline commando with your guns blazing, or snipe the zombie monsters from large areas. All using only your android screen. Only the best feats of modern warfare mingled with an itchy trigger finger will let you to achieve victory over the undead bugs. Great graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your dread when travelling through future Earth locations and shooting your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, killing numerous like an android. Best game ever!

asphalt racing:
Dive head on deep into hardcore racing action in this excellent fresh mobile production. Choose from the fastest GT cars, sit behind the gears and drop the pedal to the metal. Realistic driving simulation allows you the convenience to check your racing skills through numerous challenges in intimidating courses all around the world. Drift mania in rally racing with next generation mechanics will delight any person. Choose your ride from many known brands such as bmw, bugatti or audi. Satisfy your need for speed by racing against players in multiplayer mode. This overdrive mobile app allows you to play with top racers like a professional in Monaco or Le Mans. Burn the asphalt on 8 various courses as you race against the clock. Put your skills to test and top the leaderboards as you push your gt car to the limits of your need for speed. Underground drag championship intertwined with csr racing delivers the terminal gameplay feel. The gameplay is made to put you in the thick of action as you race through the dust rising from the asphalt overdrive. As 8 playtroughs passed I still don't feel dulled by this app. Even Need for Speed World was monotonous after a little time which is not the case in this fast and furious spiritual descendant. Need for Racing: New Speed Car even gives you the possibility to design your car by repainting it in any way you'd like.

Flick Kick Football:
Graphics were provided to amaze using futuristic android drivers. Achieve maddening kick off tricks not different from ball ace kicks. You'll have to reach out and attempt to beat all of the many championships. American football will witness the greatest moments of the year right in this android game. Among the national champions managers you'll be the best and so you'll get your place in the football highlights. Madden your rivals through fierce scores and kick offs in this best football game. In the saints of NFL super bowl cup you'll become the greatest kickoff patriot. Game realism are truly from the 2015 year. The championship of the champions rugby challenge is at the flick of the finger, so don't hesitate and go for a field goal. Kick to be a world famous american football kicker - this opportunity shall not repeat. Jump now to great american football emotions and get it on android now. Be like one of the patriots or cowboys in the 2015 super bowl games. The shots you'll perform in the national football games will give you fame between the challengers of the super bowl matches. Run through the match and take your place in the best of the moments of the year 2015. Shoot a goal for your favourite team, e.g. patriots or vikings. The feel of this nfl fantasy is maddening. You can play as a quarterback or a kick off player.

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